We have the event catered and some items made by residents and some potluck courtesy of our friends. We eat and visit from 6:30 to about 8:00 p.m. and then set up for a meeting where we feature speakers from other parts of the country.
Although dinner is free, the event is a fundraiser for us. Your donations are of course appreciated but also crucial in allowing us to continue our mission. Because of your assistance we can continue to provide men in early recovery with the opportunity to live in a sober environment and prepare for a happy life on their own. Now in our sixty-sixth year, we are grateful for the opportunity to give back what was so freely given us.
We hope to see you for an evening of food and fellowship to benefit The Men’s Home. This year we’ll feast on some BBQ from Sweet Fire Donna’s (and potluck) from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m., then enjoy a special Speakers’ meeting from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. featuring Amy D. all the way from Louisville, Kentucky! We hope to see you Saturday, December 1st here at The Men’s Home.