Meetings/Annual Events

Fall Event and Fundraiser 2021 @ The Men's Home
Dec 4 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Twice each year, we host a dinner and Speakers’ meeting to celebrate and say thank you to friends of the Home. We do the first in May and another in December. Last year, we did this event on Zoom; this year, we’re back in person.

This year the event will be on Saturday, December 4th. We’ll start with a buffet dinner and fellowship from 6:30-8:00PM, and then welcome Dunyako A. from Sierra Leone who will speak from 8:00-9:00PM.

The event is a fundraiser for us. Your donations are of course appreciated but also crucial in allowing us to continue our mission. Because of your assistance we can continue to provide men in early recovery with the opportunity to live in a sober environment and prepare for a happy life on their own. Now in our sixty-ninth year, we are grateful for the opportunity to give back what was so freely given us.

We hope to see you for an evening of hope and fellowship to benefit The Men’s Home.


Holiday Party and Fundraiser 2022 @ The Men's Home
Dec 3 @ 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm

It’s time again for our big holiday event, and we hope that you can join us. From 6:30-8:00PM, we’ll have the famous BBQ and fixins from Sweet Fire Donna’s with a big side dish of fellowship thrown in (you can bring sides too if you’d like). Then from 8:00-9:00PM will be a speakers’ meeting featuring Steve S. from Baltimore. The event is free, but it is also a big fundraiser for us, so we hope that you can help.

We’d be grateful if you could join us:
The Men’s Home
Holiday Party and Fundraiser
Saturday, December 3rd

If you are unable to join us but would still like to donate for our year-end, please visit our Donors page, and please accept our wishes for a serene holiday season.